Monday, July 27, 2015

Music: "Guns & The Crazy Ones" by Danny Schmidt

From the songwriter and musician, Danny Schmidt:  "Regardless of your take on how best to control gun violence (and I have friends on both sides of the table), I think we can all agree that there's way too much of it in this country. This song and video were inspired by the emotional fatigue of seeing tragic headlines and devastated faces in the news, day after day after day after day . . ."


Seems to me it's just as plain as please
It's plastered the news
Cause every day there's a new display
Of cannons come loose

Once was tough, two's a called bluff, three's enough's enough
Four was cruel, five's a dead school, six is like they're gunning for you

So tell me this, when the spirit slips
And can't hardly stand
What will it grasp if it falls too fast 
I hope just a hand

But if not, if the shell's shocked, if there's no angels near
If fury finds that in the chambered mind, there's just bullets and steel

So blame the guns or blame the crazy ones
It's almost the same
Cause in the home of the free and brave
These tools are insane

The best dirt on the free earth and we can't shake our pride
We're two sides of a mudslide, and we're both buried alive

So tell me now, tell me anyhow
When will it end?
Cause every time it's a friend of mine
The ghosts and the men

It seems to me it's just as plain as please